About Me

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A 10 year veteran of the US Army (and 10 to go until retirement!). Never deployed overseas, never saved a life. (Well, maybe once or twice.) Sergeant Moore is not a (war) hero.

25 April 2021

Long days and great weekends.

     The last few weeks have been pretty hectic.  At least as far was my work goes. Mondays and Tuesdays have been very long as our office has been working till around 1900. The rest of the week days are usually till 1730 to 1800. We are expected to make mission while still working at 50% man power so that's why we are working such long hours. I hate it and so does my family; it feels pretty terrible to only have 30 minutes with my boys before they are going to bed. I'm also so burnt out mentally at the end of these long days I just want to sleep or lay down. Talking all day on the phone actually is pretty mentally exhausting and afterwards I don't feel much like talking anymore to my wife's dismay. I realize this but I still can't help the feeling sometimes. 

    This weekend was pretty great though and was a true refresher for my mind and spirit. on Saturday we woke up at 0600, dressed ourselves and the boys and got on the road to Galveston by 0715. By 0945 we were on the beach and having fun! Oren immediately splashed around in the shallow waters and helped my dig razor clams from the beach. Ryker, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the water and was content picking shells off the ground, being pulled in the wagon and eating snacks under our small canopy. We stayed on the beach a few hours having fun and watching our boys laugh and talk. After eating some sandwiches for lunch we packed up the beach stuff, took a baby wipe bath, changed clothes and headed to Moody Gardens. We only bought a pass for the aquarium portion but that's all we needed. The boys were in awe from the moment we stepped in the door; they've never really been in such a building before much less around such giant tanks of water creatures. Every window we passed they oohed and ahhed and each sea creature. The jellyfish dark room was a favorite along with the penguins and seals. The whole walk about only lasted about 45 minutes but the boys loved every second and so did my wife and I. BethAnne and I are a little spoiled when it comes to aquariums because for a few summers we would go to the Atlanta Aquarium a few times during the season. The Atlanta Aquarium is the largest one in the U.S. and either the 2nd or 1st largest in the world. (Conflicting information on the internet between Atlanta and the S.E.A. aquariums being larger)

    I've doubled down on my commitment to starting a podcast by networking with a few of my Army buddies to conduct interviews on along with reaching out to a prominent member of the College Station community to be a guest on the show and investing in quite a pricey microphone for improved audio over the Yeti Blue mic that I currently have. It's good but I really need a dynamic mic that won't pick up the road noise that's close to my house. The Yeti mic is unbelievably sensitive and will pick up motorcycles from, and I kid you not, over a mile away. I haven't come up with a concrete name yet, but I want it to be relevant to my podcast goals, short, and memorable. Kind of a hard thing to do I guess. My name doesn't carry much weight so I'll leave it out for the moment.  

    BethAnne is getting into succulent plants currently which is a very nice and pleasing hobby. The plants look nice and are small enough to move in and out of the house daily. Watering is pretty minimal and it's very obvious when something is wrong with the plants so a remedy can be found quickly. She is fortunate enough that there is a local resident who sells and grows these succulents for a fair price along with free personal advice from time to time for beginners!