About Me

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A 10 year veteran of the US Army (and 10 to go until retirement!). Never deployed overseas, never saved a life. (Well, maybe once or twice.) Sergeant Moore is not a (war) hero.

24 December 2020

Christmas Letter

    This year was a whirlwind, kind of like every year has been since joining the Army but this year even more so. The year started off with BethAnne halfway through her Signal Basic Officer Leaders Course. (BOLC) I was still working every day at my unit as usual while Oren and Ryker were watched from 0500-1700+ every day by our great baby sitter Lenny. BethAnne and I are so thankful we were able to find such a great baby sitter who cared so much for our boys; even today she messaged me to get our new address so she could send them a Christmas present. We bought a house and moved into it at the end of January and rented out our last house. It was a great move that I did myself with help from a friend and my father-in-law. 
    Sadly, a few weeks later I got an email that said I was selected to be a recruiter with the Army. A great career move but it was pretty much a guarantee that we were going to have to leave our new home, which we greatly loved. I had to tell BethAnne the bad news the day before she graduated BOLC. I drove down to Fort Gordon Georgia in order to attend her graduation which was a great time. I'm very proud of her and very grateful to have 4 months of BOLC behind us. 
    Spring at the new house flew by and rolled right into summer. I left in June to attend recruiting school at Fort Knox. I had a pretty decent time there but it was too far away to drive home on the weekends. 10 hours is too much. I went mountain biking and hiking a few times and tried to stay in shape with only my sandbag to keep me company. I graduated and was glad to be driving down the mountains of Virginia back to North Carolina.
    The only good thing to come of the recruiting duty was that I begged to come to College Station TX as my request to stay in Fayetteville NC was denied. We found a house to rent in College Station after having a house we were going to buy fall through at the very last minute. The rental we got was even better than the house we were going to buy so God really gave us break with that! The move was pretty smooth for moving two small boys across the country in two days. Within two weeks we had moved in and made the new house pretty cozy.     
    Since then I have been learning the ropes of being a recruiter. I am thoroughly enjoying it and think that being a platoon sergeant was much more stressful than recruiting is. BethAnne is still now, dealing with an interstate transfer in the National Guard. Hopefully soon she will find out her new unit and begin to drill every month as usual! The upside to moving back to the BCS area is that my parents and brothers live minutes away now and get to see us and our boys on a weekly basis instead of several times a year. That has been the biggest blessing of them all. 
    BethAnne and I were also blessed with the news that we are going to be having another child in June of 2021! We don't know the gender yet, but everyone will know when we do because I don't like the gender reveal crap and I don't feel like waiting. This year has been a real treat for us all with COVID-19, the election and the usual crap in the rest of the world. I don't have any complaints. Me and my family are upright, breathing, and aren't hurting for shelter or food. God has gotten us so far and will continue to bless us I'm sure. 
    Today is my 27th birthday, I spent the morning play disc golf with my dad. For the record, it was an extremely cold and very windy day; I beat my dad for the first time in years with +8 and my dad at +13 at Research Park in College Station. I'm sure the usual outcome of my loss will happen next round!
        I wish to you, my family and friends, a merry Christmas and a better year next year. Thank you all for what you have contributed to me and my family's life. I hope that we were able to do the same for you. 

                                                                                                 - Mitchell Moore AKA SSG Moore