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A 10 year veteran of the US Army (and 10 to go until retirement!). Never deployed overseas, never saved a life. (Well, maybe once or twice.) Sergeant Moore is not a (war) hero.

16 July 2020

Week 3 of Recruiter School

    This week has flown by. Every day has just been jammed pack with classes until 1700. Thursday was the first reprieve at 1415 release. So many classes on many different army regulations. My brain is fried at the end of these class days. I still chat with my family at the end of every day and walk a mile or so in the evening to avoid sitting down all day. 
    I have been working on a sermon/lesson project the last few days based on a verse of the day from Galatians. It's all about the do's and don'ts of the 5 senses and your general sense of awareness. I am going to send it to one of my Christian mentors and ask his thoughts and see if he wants to test it out on his group he ministers to. I am awaiting admission to Liberty University for a masters in divinity. I also applied to be ordained by the Non-Denominational Association of Christians. I doubt I will get ordained based on my lack of ministry experience but I want to put myself out there for a future attempt. 
    I have been suffering from a few nights of anxiousness. Perhaps I'm staying up too late and not sleeping well. Before bed I watch a few videos on fractals with calming music in the background. Scientific studies have shown that looking at fractals has a strong effect on reducing stress levels. I honestly believe it, after watching 5-10 minutes of these videos I feel calm and tired. One study showed faster healing times for patients who could look outside at trees, bushes, flowers etc. Those kind of living things are natural fractals and have have the same effect as looking at man-made fractals. I have also discovered this video/audio track of simple study/work beats that have a very mellow/positive vibe. I've never been to the west coast but I imagine this is what it must sound like when you walk down the streets. 
    Today is Thursday, and tomorrow there is a comprehensive exam I need to make an 80 on or better. I want to say it's only a 20 question exam. The room for error is small. I am nervous. I hope I pass. More to follow in the update tomorrow.... (7/17update, I got a 92 so pretty good, but I'm trying to get 95 or above.)

 Here's some deer I saw the other day while walking. 

Also Crocs and Socks are the best combo since PB&J. Very comfortable and easy on my bunions. I feel to young to being saying that.