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A 10 year veteran of the US Army (and 10 to go until retirement!). Never deployed overseas, never saved a life. (Well, maybe once or twice.) Sergeant Moore is not a (war) hero.

11 July 2020

11 July 2020

      Today the 11th of July. It makes me think of 711, like the gas station convenience store 711. I am realizing that I haven't seen one in years but after a quick google search I see that they apparently still exist. Good for them.
    I've also the last few days discovered that there are hours of different jazz music playlists on youtube. No words, just nice bossa nova jazz. One in particular is pretty great for the morning time. I'm listening to this one that is for evening time. It really helps energize me in the morning and make me feel a little more happy and upbeat. Almost like I'm in a sitcom and at any moment something comical may happen like in seinfeld. This is the one I listen to in the morning. 
    This morning I woke up at about 0700 and groggily got out of bed. But I was pretty motivated to get around because I have an appointment with a disc golf course and ten and a few things need to happen before I go. Like getting discs for golfing. I left all my discs at home, which of course was a mistake, and so I need to go to the local academy and buy some. It's a twenty minute drive and it opens at 9. So get dressed, eat, store and then play. I accomplish getting dressed with ease; almost as if I do it every day. Breakfast was pretty disappointing. My two boiled eggs were an untrustworthy shade of yellow when I peeled them so I tossed them. Really the only thing I ate was two slices of turkey bacon, a bagel and an apple. I mean to get more to eat but I end up not. 
    The drive to academy is too long for my liking but I make it there before the store opens and chat with my wife while she's on the road to drill this weekend. The kids are being watched by the in-laws at our house so all is taken care of. Upon entering the store my I have to practice restraint to not buy many things. Academy sports and outdoors is a wonderful place and I'd like to own just about half the store. Today though I focus on some discs and walk out with the typical 3-disc starter pack, which for 30 bucks isn't too bad. I've paid over 30 bucks for a single disc. Much better quality but when you lose a disc as often as I do you can't get too attached. 
    I get to the disc golf course early and warm up with some throws around the parking lot. My buddy and another guy get there and we start to play. This course is literally in the woods. Not like a friendly cleared out woods with trees and open space. I'm talking trees, overgrowth, bushes, vines and lots of little plants that may be rash producing. On top of that, at any given point you are either on top of a hill, at the bottom or on the side. No flat spots at all. This in combination to the large spider web population made for a rather rough time finding a rogue throw. My buddy is pretty decent and the other guy is not. I battle my buddy for the win down to the last hole and edge him out by one stroke. Success. I did cross a rather old and questionable bride over a 10 foot drop to a creek bed.
    Despite the victory, I was beat. I was hungry and my legs were tired of two hours of busting brush up and down the hills of kentucky. I rewarded myself with a lot of food from the DFAC. The equivalent of tuna help, potatoes and some onion rings! It was a lot of food but I at every last bite. I then laid about and eventually took a nap until 1600.
    My wife calling me woke me up. I woke up not very happy to be awake and wishing I wasn't so tired. I put some jazz on and it made me feel better. I got up and tried to go to the PX and get a puzzle. This was because I had found a puzzle in the common room in the barracks while doing laundry and it was probably missing a bunch of pieces. I like puzzles. I can concentrate very narrowly and refine a process to make it as efficient as possible. Very satisfying. Sadly, no puzzles were to be found there. But I did snag an off brand pair of crocs for 12 bucks. 
    I get back and video chat with my boys for awhile. They are happy to see me and I wish I could just reach out to them. It's times like this I wonder what torture it must be to deploy for a year or more and miss out on so much. They are so young, you can miss alot even over a few months. My boys seem to be getting bigger and smarter every single day and I'm grateful that I can video chat them multiple times a day. After our chat I get some dinner chow which is literally two slices of ham that are grilled on a flat iron grill, potato spears and some wax beans. I supplement this meal with a brownie and a PB&J sandwich. It's still not enough it seems.
    The boys go to sleep and I lazily play some minecraft. My wife calls and I lazily play minecraft and chat with her. I make some decaf and listen to my evening jazz. It's a nice relaxing vibe. I really enjoy some tea or coffee in the evening. I wish that I wasn't so caffeine sensitive, there are a lot more non-decaf options out there for tea and coffee. Alas, this is my burden to bear. Tomorrow though I am going to the commissary first thing and getting some sugar. Black coffee is fine with me, but I do like a small spoonful of sugar with it. No milk though, I like the bitter and sweet without any of the cream.